So long,
and thanks for
all the fish

Dear Twilk fans,

From 2009 to 2016, almost half of a million people used Twilk to put their Twitter friends and followers on their Twitter background. But over time, Twitter changed their UI a couple times making the background a less prominent part of the service. Then Twitter removed the background all together. While the cover photo could be used to display a similar grid of images, it looks different on different screens, yet only one photo can be uploaded to Twitter as the cover photo. The freemium model we were using (where free backgrounds advertise for the service and you can pay to remove the ad) wouldn't work with the cover photo because there isn't a place on the cover photo which would display well on all screen sizes. We failed at getting (or really keeping) enough people to pay for the service to keep it running. So, I'm sorry to say is no longer operational. If you'd like to send me an email, my email address is

-Kyle (creator of Twilk)